Sunday, November 14, 2010

The game coverage blog

I don't know much about blogging. That doesn't sound like a very good opening to "grab the reader" I know, but it sets up my point. This is a first entry in a new blog and I think I want to try something that might be a little out of the ordinary but, as I said, I don't know much about blogging so maybe it's old hat.

Anyway, here is my idea:

The game coverage blog!

I know, you guessed from the post title. Let me explain.

As I type this I am watching the "Big Game" of the day, Patriots Vs Steelers @ Hienz Field. As I was watching the game (right now, it's 17-3 Patriots w/ the Pats threatening to put more up. They have a 2nd and goal) sitting next to me on the couch was my laptop with a tab on the browser open to this empty blog.

*Touchdown Patriots!* ( Now back to the blog)

So this is my idea, blog on a topic while making notes about the game that I'm watching. (Steelers have the ball now and just hit a long pass to set up a 1st down right around mid-field) I think this will work as part of the whole goal for this blog, which since this is the entry of this blog I suppose I should address that. I promise I will but first I need to address the cut-in updates. I know that right now they are probably distracting (Pass to Sanders for a 1st down at the NE 38) but I envision setting them up so they will look different and the reader will get used to it. (edit: I did that. What do you think? Does the reader get used to it?) (Ben just hit Wallace on Post to set up 1st and goal at about the 3, oh and now touchdown, Sanders. 23-10 NE) I guess I forgot to mention a score. (edit: I had, oops) That's I guess why I'm doing this now. I had an idea that seemed like a good idea in concept and now I'm field testing it's feasiblity (How am I doing so far?)

I promised I would get back to the goal of the blog and so I will. The whole I idea for this blog comes from this. I watch sports, talk about sports with friends, co-workers, complete strangers, and then I watch sports coverage or listen to sports talk radio and I say to myself, " I could do that". In fact I considered calling this blog (and I still may, and I still may-tool) "I could do that" So what are my choices (Patriots have a 2nd and 10 @Pgh 35 and they hit Brady w/ a grounding call. That brings up 3 and 20. Short pass completion and the Pats will punt) my choices are go to school and then get an internship somewhere and maybe I could get a job by the time I'm 50 or (Oh, and just as it looked like the Steelers might have a nice drive going, there's a pick 6 by the Pats. They missed the 2 point conversion try and will kick off deep after being penalized for "illegal group celebration". I didn't see it but I'm sure they'll show re-plays and it will be all over Sportscenter (SC henceforth). Somehow I don't think they'll be able to resist showing that penalty on the Belichick team. Steelers start now just past mid-field) or I could write a great blog about sports, maybe find a niche, become popular and voila, job in the sports world. So I went with option 2. It may be un-likely but I know it's not happening the other way (Steelers TD. Roethlisburger to Wallace. Moore scores the 2 pt conversion on a QB draw out the wildcat. So now it's 29-18 w/ 6:44 left. Steelers tried the onside kick and it may have worked. It was real hard to tell what happened because the ball was bouncing around. Now they've signaled NE ball, so they take over at the Pittsburgh 40)

So that is the overall point of the blog. Now, tonight's entry is mostly about the blog itself but my thought is that normally I will blog about whatever the hot topics du jour in the sports world (Touchdown NE. About a 25 yd pass to Gronkowski to make it 36-18 with just over 4 minutes left. So I'm calling an end to the in game portion of this blogcast. ) (I was planning to go away from the game and just finish the blog later but something blogworthy happened at the end of the game that I couldn't resist commenting on. The Steelers got the ball behind by 13 w/ just under 2 minutes left. Then they proceeded w/ the dumbest strategy I've seen for a long time. My theory is that Ben decided to give up and wanted to go ho me, but if not it was the worst clock managment I've seen since Mcnabb was in Philly. They had no time outs and got medium passes and marched most of the way down the field but never downed the ball and the clock just kept running. Wow! They didn't even give themselves enough time to score once, let alone twice. )

So, now that I re-read this, I don't really have anything to add. I don't know if this is something I'll continue to do but I do think I like the way it came out. This blog of course is a work in progress. I'm not actually posting this coverage of the Patriots - Steelers game until the day after the Jets - Patriots game, but I'm going to post it because I think it could be an interesting approach. Let me know what you think...

I need a clever sign off,

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